Friday, April 25, 2008

Second last veeery busy Friday over

as of right now. Next Friday is dress rehearsal for dance recital. Then the recital is on Sat. Then, whew, dance is over for this school year. I was wondering, if anyone on the face of the earth reads this thing, and if you happen to homeschool, do you go all year round, do you take the summer off? Just how do you do it?
Anyway, the girls just went to their very first ever father/daughter dance. Both girls went with their dad, and they both had a very good time. The older did refuse to dance with her dad, but did dance next to him in the line dance. They both came home chattering away about the good time they had.
The eldest DJ'd at the dance. The younger boy and I went out to eat at Johnny Rockets to celebrate not only a great time alone, but the fact that he earned his green belt today...YAY H!!!
Anyhow, it is late and I need to go to sleep, not that I am, but I do need to.

1 comment:

Shari said...

Hi Sweet Cate! I think that everyone does the summer thing different, don't you? For some, (that I've pestered and asked questions to--since my oldest is only 6, I wouldn't really know yet!) they work enough in the year, that it's a much-needed break, and I think for others they like to have something going on in the brain cells in the summer so there's not so much make up in the fall. (Mary would do it this way)-- I guess the Lord leads each family tailored to their needs, so it will look different. So cute that the girls had fun with J at the father/daughter dance! :)