Monday, April 28, 2008's Monday

It is only 11am, and I have already had a busy day. I took the youngest three to the dentist where they got their teeth cleaned and a check-up. Only one cavity between the three of them, and
G(11) is going to lose that tooth soon, so the dentist advised against filling it..gee you think I will follow that advice ah yeah.
H(9) finished his school early, and helped M(6) with her BSF. I have a Dr's appt int he am at 8, Thurs T (17) has dentist appt, Fri Dress rehearsal for dance, Sat dance recital, Mon Remicade....What will I do with all that extra spare time...get school done with the kiddos??
My weekend was uneventful, but have I told you guys how much I love the BHE? He is so sweet and considerate, we went to my mother's for supper last night and he was so nice to her.
He also thought about this, he went and bought fuel stabilizer and put it in my brother's truck..said brother has not driven since before he went to the ahem mental hospital in Feb.
gotta go, need to catch up on my blog reading ;)

Friday, April 25, 2008

Second last veeery busy Friday over

as of right now. Next Friday is dress rehearsal for dance recital. Then the recital is on Sat. Then, whew, dance is over for this school year. I was wondering, if anyone on the face of the earth reads this thing, and if you happen to homeschool, do you go all year round, do you take the summer off? Just how do you do it?
Anyway, the girls just went to their very first ever father/daughter dance. Both girls went with their dad, and they both had a very good time. The older did refuse to dance with her dad, but did dance next to him in the line dance. They both came home chattering away about the good time they had.
The eldest DJ'd at the dance. The younger boy and I went out to eat at Johnny Rockets to celebrate not only a great time alone, but the fact that he earned his green belt today...YAY H!!!
Anyhow, it is late and I need to go to sleep, not that I am, but I do need to.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


We had a very good, but long day. Hubby just home. He rarely ever works late. The three younger ones jumped out of bed to greey their dad. They are still up...Daddy brought them a treat. We got G's last dance pictures taken, eldest to youth group ( and then to spend the night with a friend.) I remembered to take all my meds today for a change. Cleaned my room...actually my room is not that bad I just had to dismantle "Mount Clothesmore". You know that pile of clothes that you have worn, might wear again, don't want to hang up in case you don't...well I always have one of those piles. Because I have the world's smallest closet in this wonderful house, the pile is on my dresser. I dismantle it whenever I can no longer see myself in the mirror.
Anyhow, gotta go eat then go to bed. I am having tuna as a dip with baked tostitos chips.

A new Day

My friend called to let me know that her son is fine. They are keeping him home from school and watching him closely today.
My third child, H, has epilepsy, so I can relate. Watching your child have a tonic/clonic seizure is one of the scariest things you could ever witness (at least tht is what a pediatric neurologiest told us). BTW tonic/clonic is grand mal.
I, and my children overslept, but we are starting school already. This is one of the joys of homeschooling..if you start late, who cares? I also love that I can do it in my pj's :).
be back later.


I have been having a difficult time friend (one of the best God ever gave to me) called earlier today and her son had had a seizure at school...this child has not had one in over a year, and never one of this kind before. This boy has a rare genetic problem that has cause absance seizures but never tonic/clonic seizures...I have been so concerned with him and praying for him and his family. That, and maybe just thinking about kids, ordering next years curriculum. You know the usual.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Joy through Suffering

Today has been a much better day...I am in a better place both emotionally and spiritually. I am not in a better place physically, probably in a worse place in face. God is really teaching and stretching me through the past few months. I am really trying to put into practice esteeming others more than myself, to push on to the prize, to consider all things a joy...but some times that seems impossible with what lays ahead of me.
I really have been blessed with great kids, who have good friends. I have been even more blessed w/BHE and the greatest friends ever.
Gotta go, I really need a nap.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Hope filled??

Did not sleep much last night; fell aslee about 3am....woke up at 8 am when a friend who is coming to tutor oldest inmath came by...not a great way to wake up, but at least I got out of bed
before 10am. I did call my mother and asked if she could take my eldest brother to the psychologist..I am just too tired today.
The children have been surprising good today, the younger ones are all done with their school work (except writing and BSF). I feel *I don't know what maybe hopeful or at least not suicidal today.
My hubby and I went out last night .... great new Italian place. Their is this whole new shopping, eating, and entertainment area here called market common ( if you are interested. The food was fabulous, and the time alone was needed. I hope it is a great rest of the day.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


What to do with my life. It really sucks to be me right now. Not only do I have thyroid disease, Lupus, and Rheumatoid heart disease!!! Why, oh why, I hate feeling sorry for myself, I loathe makes me physically ill...I feel like I want to throw up. Anyhow. I am just not having a great day, I realized I am blessed more than I deserve. I have great kids and a great husband, surrounded by more friends and family thn most people can dream of having.
I am just so tired of feeling like a freak, I want to be skinny again, I want to work out..I want to be able to go shopping in the mall without pain.....
Any way I have had a fairly good day, except for the suicidal ideation. I will get through this I know.
My husband invited this sweet older couple I know o.ver for dinner, he drove them, cooked the meal, served desert and coffee and then drove them home...he then called me and thanked me for being so sweet and nice...
Hopefully I can act like I have a great life tomorrow, not the whiney beeahtch I am today

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Another Day in Paradise

This was just another great day. At least so far that is. I got up and realized I had left my purse in the restaurant my hubby and I went to last night. Called hubby on his way home to pick up said purse, but his cell phone was not on. Why should this surprise me, it is never on, unless he turns it on to make a call.
Then we got into a big argument about picking up 17 y/o. Who by the way does not have his own car, because he will not save up enough money for the INSURANCE. We are not even requiring him to buy his own car, just pay his own insurance. This whole exchange did nothing to keep my heart rate down which is why I have to wear a freakin' heart monitor in the first place.
Anyhow, this day really needs to turn around and soon. Will it, who knows? I have to go to a surprise party in a couple of hours for my MIL.

Friday, April 4, 2008

This world

I have been so neglectful, but there you go the story of my life. I have no life. Well okay I really do. I just don't know what to write. I love so many blogs that I read and don't think I have any thing to say or a clever way to write it. Any how I may get back to do this more often.