Saturday, September 13, 2008

Saturday, I love Saturday! Hubby takes all the children out to eat with his mom and I go eat lunch with my hubby. I love my children

Thursday, September 11, 2008

September 11....I remember hearing about a plane hitting the world trade center on my way to the peds office for a newborn visit and calling hubbie to check on friend who worked there. And my unbelief when another hit the center. I realized how fragile life was, I was lost, adrift. I did not know at the time but I was suffering from post partum depression. Today I hold those I love closer, I tell them I love them, even if they don't say it back. I am so truly blessed that I should be thanking mu God with every breath. Thanks God !!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Today was a great day. The Girls went to the first American Girls club meeting of the year and had a blast...Young son got to go too and hang with his best bud. Both girls has dance classes and then we went to the kick off for the kids Christmas play and I went to first class of new Bible Study. How did school go? Good question, Young Son did all of his school and the girls will do today's tomorrow because no school was scheduled due to Sept 11 observation. The three youngest start piano lessons again tomorrow as well.
This is always a tough time of the year, when we ramp up our schedule and start to work out the kinks and get in the groove. We do school year round, but the activities are on the regular school year schedule.
Praying that God puts His divine hand on my shoulder and guides me safely through these choppy waters.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I have not blogged in so long....I guess because I am reading so many other blogs that I feel so more.
I am so in love with my husband, kids, and friends that I realize that I am so much more blessed than your average peson.
Today, my husbband is at work and my children are not only doing their schoolwork, they are actually helping one another. YAY. My mother and mil both live close by and they get along with one another. What more could one ask? I don't know but I am dreinking an ice cold coke zero that #1 son brought to me.
Life is good, I thank my God!!